Donate Your Time, Strengthen Your Community.

The YWCA needs volunteers and interns to help deliver our services. Most time requirements are flexible and the opportunities are diverse. Current opportunities are listed below.

If you are interested in volunteering for the YWCA, please contact Human Resources.

Childcare Advocate/Group Worker

The Child Activities Leader will craft age appropriate activities for children staying in the YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter. The Child Activities Leader will ideally create activities that are fun, educational, and promote healthy habits. Adult and Teen Activities leader will provide a two-hour activity of their choice for women in YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter Services program or for young moms in our Holyoke Teen Parenting Program.

Community Outreach

No certification needed. Volunteer tasks include distribution of hotline cards and flyers to public places, (medical centers, doctor’s offices, schools, etc.). Volunteer time commitment is flexible. Documentation responsibilities include contact list/addresses of locations and drop offs. Volunteer supervision requirements are minimal.

Court Advocate

Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (DVSA) certification training is required and provided by the YWCA. Additional SAFEPLAN Certification training is required and is provided by MOVA (Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance). Costs related to this training are the intern’s/volunteer’s responsibility. Volunteers and interns would shadow the SAFEPLAN advocate during court hours. Learning experiences include but are not limited to obtaining knowledge of the application of restraining orders (209A) and harassment orders (258E) and their differences; understanding barriers and challenges in the court process and proceedings; accompanying advocate and client in civil court hearings; and learning how our program collaborates with court personnel and other community agencies. Participation in any staff meetings and trainings related to the program are required. Volunteers and interns are expected to maintain professional behavior and strict confidentiality.

Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Hotline

Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (DVSA) certification training is required and is provided by the YWCA. Additional training also required. Volunteer tasks include required paperwork and observation shifts. Training is an additional 20-80 hours. Volunteer responsibilities include properly completing hotline logs of all calls, providing emotional support to victims, survivors, and significant others; assessing risk, safety planning, referral to services through the YWCA of Western MA and ARCH programs, as well as referrals to other community providers when appropriate, and appropriate screening of shelter requests. Volunteer always has supervisor back-up. Volunteer time commitments during training should be not less than three 4-hour shifts per week, and after additional training a minimum of two 8-hour shifts per month are required. Supervision is on-going as needed and includes attendance in monthly volunteer meetings.

Sexual Assault Crisis Response (Medical Advocacy)

Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (DVSA) certification training is required and is provided by the YWCA. Volunteer tasks include responding to area emergency rooms for support, advocacy, and safety planning for survivors of sexual assault. Volunteers much have a working cell phone, as this is how communication is possible to YWCA hotline and supervisors. Volunteers must make a commitment to respond to area hospitals, (Baystate, Holyoke, Mercy, Noble, Wing), within one hour. Volunteer time commitment varies depending on volunteer availability, however, volunteers should expect to commit at least 4 hours per month. Volunteers on crisis response will always have access to a supervisor for support. Supervision is on-going and as needed.