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The YW serves individuals and families in the region through programs offered from several sites, including locations in Holyoke, Northampton, Springfield, and Westfield. The YW also operates an 11-acre campus at 1 Clough Street in Springfield that provides shelter to battered women and their children in a modern facility with state-of-the-art computerized security.

The following is a brief overview of current YW programs. When referring to victims/survivors in the program descriptions below, the YWCA is referring to victims/survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and/or human trafficking. All services outlined below are available in English and Spanish. Accommodations can be made to provide services in other languages upon request through a certified translation line.

All services are free and confidential. To learn more, call the YW at 413-732-3121.

Children Who Witness Violence

The Children Who Witness Violence (CWWV) program offers trauma-informed counseling and supportive services for children, ages three to seventeen, who have been exposed to or experienced domestic violence and/or sexual assault. This program offers children short-term intervention, generally twelve to fifteen sessions, in English or Spanish. The program recognizes that the therapeutic process can sometimes be scary for children and strives to create a safe, non-judgmental place. Referrals can be made by calling the YW’s hotline.

Community-Based Domestic Violence Services

The Community-Based Domestic Violence Services (CBDV) program provides wraparound services to victims of domestic violence, ages eighteen and over. These services include short-term individual counseling, safety planning, system advocacy, service coordination, relocation assistance, provision of material items, and other services as needed by clients. This program also regularly facilitates groups that educate DCF-referred clients on domestic violence. Referrals can be made by calling the YW’s hotline.

Coordinated Entry

The YWCA’s Coordinated Entry program supports homeless survivors accessing housing resources in the City of Springfield. Survivors access Coordinated Entry services by calling our 24-Hour Hotline at 413-733-7100. From there, trained housing navigators assist survivors in accessing the appropriate resources offered by the YWCA or other community providers. The Coordinated Entry program can connect survivors with Transitional Housing (short-term) and Rapid-Rehousing Opportunities (first, last, security deposit and up to two-year subsidy).

Domestic Violence Shelter Services

Domestic Violence Shelter Services (DVSS) is a fifty-eight-bed emergency shelter for single-adult survivors and their children. It operates on a first-come, first-serve basis. Survivors can access the emergency shelter by calling the YW hotline.

Economic Empowerment

The Economic Empowerment program uses the evidence-based Allstate Moving Ahead curriculum to teach and build core competencies and confidence regarding financial management. The program educates survivors on financial abuse, starting over, budgeting, saving, banking, improving credit, and home ownership.


800-223-5001 (Llamanos Spanish Language Hotline)

The YWCA’s hotline is available to support survivors, their families and friends, and providers. The hotline is free, confidential, and available 24/7. The role of the hotline is to provide crisis intervention, risk assessment, and safety planning services. The hotline also helps survivors understand their options, listens to them, and provides them with the support needed at the moment, supporting survivors at any point in the healing process, and providing access to services at the YWCA and the community.

Medical Advocacy

The YWCA’s Sexual Assault Counselors provide 24/7 medical advocacy services at area hospitals. Medical Advocacy services entail accompaniment and support when a client receives an evidence collection kit (“rape kit”) at the hospital. Sexual Assault Counselors provide any services needed at the moment to support a survivor – ranging from providing emotional support, accessing Massachusetts Victim Compensation, reviewing options, providing support when talking to the police (if the survivor so chooses), supporting family members, and, above all, ensuring the survivor is able to make decisions that work best for them. Referrals are made by area hospitals when a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner is called to the hospital.

SAFEPLAN/Court Advocacy

SAFEPLAN provides vital court advocacy services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in Eastern Hampshire District Court, Northampton District Court, Northampton Probate Court, Springfield District Court, and Westfield District Court. Court advocacy services include assistance in obtaining restraining orders, harassment orders, safety planning, and resource and referral information. Referrals can be made by calling the YW’s hotline.

Sexual Assault Counseling

The Sexual Assault (SA) counseling program provides short-term wraparound services to victims of sexual assault and their families (when requested) over the age of twelve. Sexual assault counseling services include individual and group advocacy-based counseling, police, court advocacy, outreach, education, and referrals. Referrals can be made by calling the YW’s hotline.

Supervised Visitation – Hampden and Hampshire Counties

The Supervised Visitation Centers in Hampden County and Hampshire County provide safe, secure, neutral visitation services for families experiencing domestic violence, divorce, custody, and probate issues. The program provides a secure structured environment for children to connect and visit with their non-residential or custodial parents. Our staff is experienced in child development and the impact of trauma/domestic violence on children. Referrals are typically made by the Court System and/or Attorneys but self-referrals can be made by calling the YW’s hotline.

Supportive Housing Program

The Supportive Housing Program (SHP) provides housing for survivors for up to twenty-four months. The program consists of twenty units, ranging from efficiencies to four-bedroom units. SHP provides supportive services aimed at attaining housing permanency. Prospective tenants can access applications online or by calling the YW office at 413-732-3121.

Healthy and Empowering Relationship Education Project (H.E.R.E.)

The YWCA of Western MA’s H.E.R.E. Project equips young people with the skills, confidence, and tools to interrupt and dismantle the culture of violence broadly in our society and more tangibly in Springfield. It is available for Springfield youth ages 12-18. The project aims to serve youth at risk for teen dating violence, sex trafficking of minors, and gang violence. The H.E.R.E. Project partners with Springfield middle and high schools to deliver three evidence-based core curricula:

  1. One Love—addressing teen dating violence and healthy relationships
  2. Bout That Life—addressing bystander intervention and the unique challenges faced by BIPOC youth
  3. Not A Number—addressing the risk and protective factors of sex trafficking

Young Parent Program

The YW operates Young Parent Programs in Holyoke (HYPP) and Springfield (SYPP). Referrals to these programs are made exclusively through the Department of Children and Families (DCF) or the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA). The programs provide wraparound services to young parents, including case management, clinical mental health therapy, support groups, parenting and life skills education and support, and educational and vocational support.

Young Parent Support

Young Parent Support (YPS) is a community-based program offering home visits, case management, prenatal education, life skills support, and assistance in educational and vocational goal achievement for young parents up to age 23. YPS uses the evidence-based Power Source Parenting curriculum. Referrals can be made by calling the YW hotline.